martes, 24 de marzo de 2015

Draft 2(The dreams of my heart)

One of the most common questions that we ask is: What would we do if we had more lifetime?
Therefore, if I had more time to live I would travel around the world in search of love, meet new horizons, new cities across such as: Paris, Rome, Venice, London, Barcelona, among others that are very important worldwide and they have a lot of history to know.
Also, I would like to meet new people every day who I can talk with about my country, culture and all the things that God has given me. It is noteworthy that life is a treasure, so, we must take care of it and get the most out it. I want to be an example for others in different aspects, for instance:  for families, love, work and so on, including more blessings that Jesus Christ offers to us.

I have a song to refer all what I am trying to say, “Life is beautiful, life is a blessing, it is a gift from God, we have to save love because it is in danger of extinction.” It is always important to take this phrase into account: “First God and then everything else”. This will make time much worth it and it is a great blessing for oneself and others around you.
If by chance I were lucky enough to win $ 1000, first of all, I would give half of the money to my mom, to make her buy what she wants, then, I would give money to church for poor families and the remaining money would be used in things I need to buy such as: shoes or clothes. Also, I would buy some things that will be useful and a good investment in future for my work.

I personally always wanted, if for example I would win the lottery giving part of my prize to poor people and build a house by the time I have a wife and children. I would buy a farm as well to go with my family and my parent for holidays and leaving it as a legacy for my children.  The most important aspect is to keep in my mind before money; it is always best having a good family, children and a wife within the values that God left. Always remember, the first thing in life should be Jesus.
My youth was very entertaining and healthy; however, I did not thank God for it. Even though, I always liked to go to church because I was very hyperactive and mischievous. I remember that I loved to go to ride bicycle, go out with friends to play football at the neighborhood’s field, play online video games, go to talk with friends, go to the church’s youth group, among other things.

I am really proud of my youth and my childhood and mainly of my parents because they raised within good values and I was always surrounded by good examples. As matter of fact, we need to remember all memories in our life either they are good or bad but with the God’s help we can move forward. So, I could say that right now I have nothing to regret in my life because even if I sometimes did not appreciate God or thanked him properly for the things he gave me I always did good and tried to help others.

In conclusion, it is important to mention that life, time and money are gifts from God; therefore, we must use them for the good of others and always giving love to others. The first commandment is to love your God above all things, the second is to love others as yourself, this is telling us that our existence on earth is to give love, to help others, to forgive and be in solidarity with the most needy.

martes, 17 de marzo de 2015

Environmental Pollution on Earth

Personal Comments:

At present there is many environmental pollution in the world given to that the persons throw garbage in the rivers, streets and parks.
For example in San Jose Center many companies and shops near to the Rio Towers throw the garbage and the chemical liquids that exceed or the pollutant fats of the food that prepare in the shops of snack food.
Personally I think that the problem of the pollution is created by the bad culture and few values of the persons especially the children who are the future of Costa Rica.

It is necessary to improve the education of values in the schools and colleges to prevent the persons in the future from throwing garbage in the rivers.

domingo, 15 de marzo de 2015

New technology in operating systems is Windows 10

Personal Comments:

The Windows 10 is one of the operating systems mas waited for PC during the year 2016 because it possesses many applications that are accessible and attractive to the users. Also it is important to highlight that this operating system is a combination between the Windows 8.1 and Windows 7. In this year a version has given itself Thread of Windows 10 in order that the users know it.

An Awesome Place the Dead Sea in Israel

Personal Comments:

The Dead Sea is one of the places mas beautiful of the world and of the Middle East. Besides that it possesses many you work out mineral that are good for the skin of the human being when the persons have problems with the skin. Besides that it is a great tourist attraction for the foreign visitors who go to Israel and Jordan. It is a part of Jesus History.

The Most Famous Zoo in the World


Personal Comments:

This Zoo is one of the zoos most important and big of the whole world. You prop this zoo this one considered as the zoo most big and with major diversity of species of animals to level of America. 
It is important to highlight that for example in our country Costa Rica is existed by 4 known zoos that are the Simón Bolívar, the Soft one, the Herpentologico and the Inbio Park  located in Santo Domingo in Heredia one besides the private Safari África Mía. 
It is important to stimulate projects that take care to the wild animals in our country since it it is the Monkey white face and the Jaguar that they are 2 animals that are on the verge of extinction.

The Siberian Tiger is in Danger of Extinction


The Siberian tiger (also known as the Amur and the Ussuri tiger) is a large subspecies of tiger, found throughout western and central Asia. The Siberian tiger is the largest species of tiger in the world closely followed by the Bengaltiger, found on the Indian subcontinent.
The Siberian tiger was once found across central and westernAsia and throughout Russia, but conflict and deforestation has made the Siberian tiger extinct in much of its native habitat. 

Personal Comments:

This tiger this one on the verge of extinction given to that the hunters in countries like Asia that sell to very high prices the skin of this tiger and that sell them to circuses for exhibition or illegal sale of wild animals. In Costa Rica they have never brought a Tiger of this class the last tiger that was in Costa Rica was the Tiger of the Zoological Simón Bolívar in San Jose Center which died does mas of 15 years.
This tiger was in the Zoo in bad conditions and was extremely sick given to that was not receiving the food adapted for his correct growth.